This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review this notice carefully.
Your medical record may contain personal information about your health, called Protected Health Information (PHI). This includes past, present, or future health conditions and related health care services. This Notice of Privacy Practices outlines how we may use and disclose your PHI in accordance with applicable laws.
We are required by law to maintain the privacy of your PHI and provide notice of our legal duties and privacy practices. We may update this notice, and the new version will be effective for all PHI we maintain at that time. A revised copy will be made available on our website or upon request.
Your PHI may be used for the purpose of providing, coordinating, or managing your services, such as consultations with clinical supervisors or other team members.
Example: If another physician referred you to us, we may contact them to discuss your care.
Your PHI may be used to process payment for your care. You may restrict the disclosure of your PHI for payment if you pay out of pocket in full.
Example: Your payer may require PHI during a medical record request or review.
Your PHI may be used to support business activities, such as quality assessments, employee reviews, and licensing. It may also be used for training programs or appointment reminders.
Your PHI may be disclosed to facilitate certain government functions, such as military or national security activities, protective services, and law enforcement custody.
Your health information may be released for worker’s compensation or similar programs.
We are required by law to disclose your PHI under certain circumstances, such as mandatory reporting of child abuse or by court order.
We may disclose your PHI without authorization in specific cases, including:
You have the following rights regarding the PHI we maintain about you. To exercise these rights, please submit a written request to our Privacy Officer:
Your personal information provided via our website, such as email addresses, will not be sold or rented to third parties without permission. We may share demographic information in aggregate without personal identifiers.
You will be notified immediately if we learn of any breach involving your PHI.
If you believe your privacy rights have been violated, you may file a written complaint with our Privacy Officer at:
North Woods Home Care and Hospice
PO Box 307, Manistique, MI 49854
You may also contact us at 1-800-852-3736 for further information.
Effective Date: 9/23/13