
What is hospice?

Hospice is a special concept of care designed to provide comfort and support to patients and their families when a life-limiting illness no longer responds to cure-oriented treatments. Hospice care neither prolongs life nor hastens death. The goal is to improve the quality of a patient's last days by offering comfort and dignity. Our specially trained staff may provide medical care, including pain management, to keep the patient as comfortable and pain-free as possible.

You made the unbearable bearable. Thank you!

Our program includes a team approach, including a medical director, nurses, therapists, social workers, home health aides, volunteers and clergy. Hospice deals with the physical, emotional, social and spiritual impact of the disease on the patient and the patient's family and friends.

“The hospice care was excellent. As my wife’s needs increased, hospice was there for us in every way. I can’t thank you enough for the care my wife and our entire family received. (The hospice nurse) was always punctual, professional, caring and a great source of comfort for my wife, children and me. It was great...to know my wife was in the hands of such competent nurses.”

Hospice services are covered by Medicare, Medicaid and most private insurances. Coverage may include equipment and medications related to the terminal illness. As with any insurance plan, deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses that may apply would be the responsibility of the patient.